If you stand in front of a store on a slow Sunday afternoon, you will notice the same thing happening over and over again. People will pass by and carefully examine the wares in prominently displayed in the windows. Perhaps they will mumble something about the items on display. They will not even step into the store. These people are not customers. Rather, they are just window shoppers. On this particular Sunday they are looking, but certainly not buying.
It is even easier to "window shop" on the Internet, since you don't even need to step outside the house. People browse through many different web sites, look at the products and services on display, but do not buy.
However, if all you get are window shoppers, rather not buyers, you need to look into why at least some of your web site visitors are not buying from you. There are many reasons why someone does not become a customer of a store. They might not be interested in buying at this time and are just doing research; they might not be your target customers, or they can't find what they are looking for on your web site.
Let's look at several actions ways to improve your web site to generate more online sales:
- Get more targeted visitors to your web site. If you are selling sporting equipment, and people who come to your web site are couch potatoes, you will not get many takers.
The more targeted your web site visitors are, the higher the probability that they will buy something. Let's say you are a business coach who helps accountants get more clients. When potential customers come to your web site looking for a "generic" coach, they are not really targeted clients, since there are many different types of coaches who focus on different market niches.
If potential customers come to your web site and they are looking for a business coach, your targeting is better than in that in the example above. If potential customers find your site while searching for a business coach for accountants, congratulations! You have hit the jackpot. Your marketing campaign is as targeted as it can possibly get, since these people are a perfect match for your expertise. You should strive to achieve the highest possible level of targeting for your web site.
- Make sure that your target customers can find exactly what they came for on your web site. If you are a business coach for accountants, and you get highly targeted customers they still won't necessarily buy from you, unless they can find what they are looking for.
Some people may be interested in information about your services, while others are on a limited budget will only be able to buy just one of your products. Make sure that all the visitors who come to your web site can easily find exactly what they are looking for.
- Make it simple for your web site visitors to take action. People will go elsewhere if they can't figure out how to buy from your or how to sign up for your newsletter.
Take action now. Use the three steps above to generate more sales on your web site.
Article Source: http://www.articlerich.com - By: Biana Babinsky
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